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  3. Bob's Burgers (2011)

Rudolph "Regular-Sized Rudy" Stieblitz MBTI Personality Type

Rudolph "Regular-Sized Rudy" Stieblitz MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Rudolph "Regular-Sized Rudy" Stieblitz? Rudolph "Regular-Sized Rudy" Stieblitz is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - 692 in Enneagram, RCOAN in Big 5, in Socionics.

My favourite character of the whole show: I would squeeze him and shower him with hugs all day. Such a sweet and gentle little boy ... shame so few people I've met were like him (actually, none ... but I long the day I'll meet one ... not a kid obviously). A kind soul like him could've been nothing else but an ISFJ: The Biggest example of him being an ISFJ was probably in his Bday episode, where he hides till the very end how upsetting was for him Louise's idea, yet he went trough with it ON HIS BIRTHDAY just to make everyone happy, while he just really wanted to stick to his plan and do something "traditional". Really attached to material things with an affective value like his bean bag, and follower of rules (other thing usually (stereo)typical for ISFJ) in the ep where he worked as a hallways supervisor with Tina. Anyways... he's a keeper


"My asthma was misdiagnosed as having a bad attitude"

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