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  3. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir (2015)

Gabriel Agreste “Hawk Moth / Monarch” MBTI Personality Type

Gabriel Agreste “Hawk Moth / Monarch” MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Gabriel Agreste “Hawk Moth / Monarch”? Gabriel Agreste “Hawk Moth / Monarch” is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 614 in Enneagram, RLOEI in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

Fe arguments in the comment section make me lose my braincells. So you all are convinced he has Aux Fe because of the way he chooses his victims? Can't an Aux Te user really not do that? Maybe he is just capable enough to understand that people are vulnerable when it comes to their emotions, and can be easily manipulated from their feelings. Maybe he is just smart enough to see that people are always looking for an oppurtunity to attack others as soon as they get their heart broken, as soon as they get sad and angry about something. I'm pretty sure seeing something so obvious and using it to reach your goal isn't enough to say "this dude has aux fe" His way of choosing victims screams Te to me, now that I wrote all of these above.. For the people who say he can't have Si blind since all of his hardwork are to bring back her wife etc., we are talking about an unhealthy character here. An unhealthy character who is in need to bring back the "good old days" or whatever, so that alone won't prove that he must have Si instead of Se. Do not act like Se users can't get stuck in past because of unhealthy habits. Fight me UwU


Gabriel Agreste is a famous fashion designer who created and owns the brand Gabriel. He is also the husband of Emilie Agreste and the father of Adrien Agreste. With the Butterfly Miraculous, when inhabited by Nooroo, Gabriel transforms into Hawk Moth (Le Papillon in the French version, which translates to “The Butterfly”), who is the main antagonist of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. He wants Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses for himself in order to obtain absolute power and reshape reality to undo his and his wife's past mistake. To achieve his goal, he creates and controls the akumas, who can transform normal people with negative emotions into supervillains.

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