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Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury) MBTI Personality Type

Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury)? Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury) is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sp/so - 964 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

INFP - ISFJ mistyping is common,probably because they're both shy (usually). But... here are my arguments. So when I realized she was an ISFJ (in my opinion), is that her feeling function is auxiliary,not dominant. Yup,she's an emotional girl but she can control this. That's why when something bad happens Usagi (dom Fe user) can't control her emotions but Ami can do mostly. Si : Maybe some people will judge me but yes, she is quite consistent and works hard. Believe me,an INFP usually can't do this, they're bored easily. Fe : Definitely loves helping people. Tbh I'm not going to give more examples but it's obvious she's a feeler. Ti : Loves solving problems and maths, well that's the analytical thinking.And when something bad happens, Ami usually analyzses the situation. Ne : (Lack of Ne) : There's a gap between Si and Ne, and they're really different functions so... Have you ever saw her bounce around ideas? Remember when we first saw her, she hasn't even been to different places, she always goes to cram school. This is my comment for the first version of Sailor Moon. I haven't watched the Crystal or read the manga so she can be different in those. I may change the comment if I watch/read them.


Ami, the first Sailor Guardian to join Sailor Moon in her fight, is a kind but insecure prodigy renowned for her genius intellect. Although she's timid and tends to obsess over her grades, she's a loyal friend and a worthy addition to the team. Her sharp mind and analytical abilities make her the strategist of Sailor Moon's inner soldiers.

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