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Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto) MBTI Personality Type

Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto)? Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto) is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - sp/sx - 162 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

This woman Is a clear ISTJ please stop with the intuitive Bias right now


The mysterious, eternal gatekeeper of the Door of Space-time. She's fairly aloof thanks to millennia of isolation and takes her job very seriously, but as shown by her interactions with Chibi-Usa and Hotaru, she does have a softer side and is more than willing to bend the rules for those she cares about. In the third arc, she comes to Earth in the guise of a college student in order to aid Chibi-Usa and the other Sailor Guardians.

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