Moff Gideon MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Moff Gideon? Moff Gideon is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 835 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

A rare moment where the INTJ ISN'T the mastermind, and the ENTJ is the one pulling the strings and disposes the INTJ instead of the other way around. But then again there's still Palpatine who technically is still behind everything because he didn't... oh nevermind.


Gideon was a human male who served as an officer in the Imperial Security Bureau, a law enforcement and intelligence agency of the Galactic Empire. By around 9 ABY, he had acquired the legendary Mandalorian weapon known as the Darksaber and risen to the position of moff, leading a remnant of the fallen Empire. While leading his Imperial remnant, Gideon sought out a high-value asset known as Grogu, a Force-sensitive youngling necessary as a blood donor for his experiments. After Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, went rogue and rescued Grogu from a detachment of Gideon's forces on Nevarro, the moff took an active role in acquiring the child. He was eventually successful, when his dark troopers captured Grogu on Tython. #GiancarloEsposito
