Ahsoka Tano MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Ahsoka Tano? Ahsoka Tano is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - sx/so - 729 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

She's making me, and all the ENFPs 7w6 proud. I was never able to truly feel my typing, until I met Ahsoka Tano. I feel like Ahsoka is the perfect picture of a grown up ENFP. I'm always starting to doubt my typing, because I used to be the stereotype of an ENFP. Until I grew older, and learned. Now, I test myself lots, because I always feel like Ive changed. But I never have. And Ahsoka in the Mandalorian gives me that feeling. That feeling of, yes, I can be an ENFP AND control myself. I can be ENFP and not just a ball of excitement. My excitement now runs deeper. The same way Ahsoka acts when she first meets Grogu. Everything about how she grew up, from the loud, and excitement loving ENFP throughout the Clone Wars, to where she is now in the Mandalorian, is a beautiful way of a representation for a calmer and wiser ENFP. It makes me smile so much. :)


Ahsoka Tano survived the Clone Wars, her former Master was Anakin Skywalker, she was a member of the Rebellion and now she's an Outcast, trying to save the remaining Jedi. She has become Jedi Master to Sabine Wren and for a while to Grogu and Ezra Bridger.

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