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EIE MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is EIE? EIE is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - 271 in Enneagram, SLOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

EIE are, in truth, very organized in Big 5. The archetype of tantrum-throwing, chaotic EIE was never a thing in Classic Socionics and was created from the sole perception of them being "drama queens" or anything else. The common stereotype of EIE might just lead someone with Borderline PD, or emotional control issues to mistype as EIE and think of it as a constant personality trait they always had (which does more harm in terms of therapy for people with such conditions). I'll pick one trait and you can make your own reasoning of it. First and foremost, EIE is a rational / schizothymic type, with 2D Te and creative Ni, who are described as good both at managing time and controlling/leading others. They are way more organized than EII, which is typed between RCOAI and RLOAI now. Many EIE descriptions are initially exploring the "drama queen" stereotype more than the true essence of this type, since many later authors, like Stratiyevskaya and Gulenko, have interpreted its dramatic and emotional nature in more colors; that's why their speculation went the other way when explaining the type, making it look like a whimsy and insufferable person with a lack of planning and reasonless drama. To avoid any predisposition, the quotes below are taken from Weisband's description, directly based on Augusta's early works which renders as the most original source for now. 📝"They bravely enter a situation if they know it well and have thoroughly prepared everything. They wait, cushion the situation from all sides, insure against all possible trouble, and then act resolutely. The EIE is a strategist – they know how to allocate their forces with respect to time. They regard all work seriously, with great responsibility, and seek to bring it to an end. They desire to achieve victory by all means, since it is easier for them to fail than to compromise. In extreme situations, their cautiousness disappears without a trace." —All sign heightened Orderliness, Cautiousness, Achievement-Striving and Self-Discipline at the same time. 📝"However, they work under their own theory of ethics, without regard to customs and authority. They sometimes have very particular views on the problems of good and evil. In any case, they consistently adhere to this view and persistently defend it." —Low concern for external rules and authority, but a high concern for their sense of morality on external world seems like a moderate Dutifulness and high Self-Belief. 📝"They are very afraid that their movements and actions are unaesthetic." —High Cautiousness caused by PoLR Si. 📝"They have a peculiar, as if arrogant manner of behaving. It would seem from outside that, for some reason, that they pretend to be important, or something they are not. They are not bad leaders." —High Self-Belief with a part of Achievement-striving. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Self-efficacy: High Orderliness: High Dutifulness: Moderate Achievement-striving: High Self-discipline: High Cautiousness: Very High


Life is filled with meaning when it contains emotional heat and dramatic experiences. Guesses which idea will take the imaginations of people and shape their feelings in the correct manner.
