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LSI MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is LSI? LSI is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/so - 613 in Enneagram, RCOEN in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

The archetype for LSI is E1. The LSI is a type which is as focused on doing as it is thinking. It wants to see the systems it considers correct implemented in reality. It is, perhaps more than any other sociotype, the true perfectionist in that it will only rest once things are exactly right -- according to its pre-determined and highly nitpicky standards of correctness. When we talk about Ti in Socionics, we really aren’t talking about a deeply abstract thinker of the kind we see in MBTI and Jung. Or rather, we can see this, mainly in LIIs due to weak sensing, but we don’t see it in LSIs. The fundamental core of Socionics Ti is that it perceives logical relationships in objective data -- yes, objective data; introversion and extroversion aren’t the same in Jung/MBTI and Socionics -- and then uses this understanding to derive axiomatic rules and principles that govern reality. From these basic rules are generated systems and hierarchies, which in the case of the LSI, are used to apply structure and order to the outside world as a result of creative Se. For an LSI, creating and maintaining a perfectly ordered system of external reality is the ultimate life goal. There is a pre-determined (Ti base) model of how things ought to be, and they will make life conform as best as they can. These are people who will simply not stand for deviation from what they think is the correct way of thinking and being. Socionics Ti is a static element; thus its perception of correctness tends to change only with great difficulty. It’s not uncommon to see the mentality of “I’m right and you’re wrong, and that’s the end of it.” And the inherent collectivism of the LSI means that they want everyone else to follow the norms that they endorse. It’s not hard to see why a type like this -- arguably the most structured type in the entire Socion -- would fit extremely well with E1. The fixation on “rightness”, the aristocratic mentality, the endorsement of “ideal standards” of being, the pedantry; all of these things fit with LSI brilliantly. LSIs are not generally very aggressive or chaotic in behavior, but they have a clarity and confidence in their thought and actions which can make people feel intimidated.


Life must correspond to a specific system both in the material world and that of human relations, and one should exert efforts to ensure its betterment, maintenance, and restoration if it has been disrupted.
