Socionics MBTI Personality Type

What is the personality type of your favorite characters from Socionics?



Socionics is a psychological theory and model of personality that was developed in the 1970s by Lithuanian researcher Aušra Augustinavičiūtė. It is based on the works of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and incorporates elements of his theory of psychological types, along with additional concepts from sociology and cybernetics. It identifies 16 types using four dichotomies: E/I (Extraversion/Introversion), S/N (Sensing/Intuition), T/F (Thinking/Feeling), and j/p (Judging/Perceiving). Each sociotype represents a distinct and unique way of metabolizing information from the other sociotypes. Socionics explores how individuals process information, make decisions, and interact with others based on their type. It also looks at intertype relationships and compatibility. Socionics is used in personal development, career counseling, and understanding relationships. Socionics Wiki:

Personality Type of Socionics Characters

Which Socionics characters are you and which characters best fit you based on MBTI personality type?
