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Madelyn Stillwell MBTI Personality Type

Madelyn Stillwell MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Madelyn Stillwell? Madelyn Stillwell is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 316 in Enneagram, in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

She's ENTJ and Homelander is ENFJ. Just because she's emotionally manipulative doesn't mean that she's an unhealthy ENFJ. Yeah, she can be charismatic and is good at knowing what to say, but it's always for the sake of efficiency. Never in the entire series does she prioritize Fe above Te, she's solely interested in furthering her own position in the company and that's about it. Compare that to Homelander, who has established a well-crafted image around himself in society as a whole. I think everyone can agree that Madelyn and Homelander aren't the same type though. Besides, as the person below my comment said, Madelyn never uses emotional manipulation when she isn't manipulating Homelander. She is logical and direct. Homelander in contrast relies on emotional manipulation and is never shown breaking character to the public. As in, Madelyn doesn't really care if people see through her manipulation; her plan is nonetheless going through. Homelander is much more inclined to keep going on emotional manipulation even when people see through it


Madelyn Stillwell is one of the main characters in Season One of the Amazon series The Boys. She was one of the top-ranking executives within Vought International, a conglomerate that owns The Seven. As a result, she worked closely with the Seven frequently. As Vought’s Senior Vice President of Hero Management, it was Madelyn Stillwell’s job to manage the world’s greatest superhero team, The Seven. It was also her job to ensure maximum power and profitability for the company – and that’s a job she executes with ruthless efficiency. But her ambitions went beyond merely having superheroes fighting crime on America’s streets; she desired to put them in the military, through a multi-billion-dollar government contract. #ElisabethShue

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