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Chibiusa (Sailor Chibi Moon) MBTI Personality Type

Chibiusa (Sailor Chibi Moon) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Chibiusa (Sailor Chibi Moon)? Chibiusa (Sailor Chibi Moon) is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - 278 in Enneagram, SLOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Chibiusa's main character arc in season 2 is literally about her fear of being unloved by the people around her, and she is shown to disintegrate into 8 under times of stress, where she becomes aggressive and assumes people's affection towards her is deceitful/manipulation, particularly Usagi's and the sailor scouts'. Her incessant need to feel loved is so strong that she brainwashes Usagi's family into believing she's their cousin just so they'll give her the love and affection she craves, and she is incredibly possessive over the people she trusts, always wanting to be the most important person in their lives. She has many more signs of being an unhealthy 2 than she does being a 7 or 8, which are more likely to be in her tritype than her core enneagram.


Usagi and Mamoru's bratty kid from the future who travels to the 20th century to steal Usagi's Silver Crystal in order to save the 30th century. She takes after her mother in most ways and generally behaves like an odd sort of annoying younger sibling to her, but underneath the constant bickering and whining, it's apparent that the two really do care about each other. After departing for the future at the end of the second season, she returns for the third and fourth, this time a few years older and on a peaceful mission to train as a Sailor Guardian.

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