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  2. Television
  3. Glee (2009)

Sue Sylvester MBTI Personality Type

Sue Sylvester MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Sue Sylvester? Sue Sylvester is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 837 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

OMG Sue's insults are so hilarious!! The way she bullies the Glee Kids and calls out Will through her dramatic, comedic insults are absolutely FUNNY!! Despite the fact I prefer and support the Glee Club > Cheerios and I'm not fond of the idea of her tearing down the Glee Club, I do enjoy watching her character make those words and honestly calls others out, hehehe. Sue is also clearly an 8w7. 8s vice is lust. I think this matches Sue because her frustration (Gut Triad) is often expressed and displayed so often. The fact she also seeks to insult and tear down others show her vengeful personality and how she notices the Glee Club being some interruption and injustice factor, she overdoes the fact it is a club and goes after Will and his club by attempting to destroy it. Sue often gets caught into several tantrums and quarrels with Will so often, where she asserts her dominance over him as much as possible, plus can be domineering, assertive, aggressive, and extremely blunt. Although she prefers to cultivate and provide a tough exterior surface of hers, Sue, deep down, is a loyal and friendly person who actually has a soft side. It is her preference to hide this and be assertive quite publicly.


Sue Sylvester (born June 30th, 1960) portrayed by #JaneLynch

Television Characters Similar to Sue Sylvester
