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  2. Television
  3. Glee (2009)

Will Schuester MBTI Personality Type

Will Schuester MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Will Schuester? Will Schuester is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - sx/so - 297 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

i really went off topic so ignore this if you want who wants to start a hate club with me? anyway here's some of his worst moments: "Possession is eight tenths of the law. I'm pretty sure that much pot is a felony." - plants weed on fin (pilot) "There's no joy in these kids. That's why every one of them has a Myspace page." - si disproving "We took a vote, Sandy. When you're in the group... it's creepy." - kicking sandy out of the acafellas (shows slightly toxic fe as in taking the decision off of himself and saying it was the group and getting him out of the group because it looks bad as opposed to not wanting a p/do in the group) Not a quote but the whole April Rhodes situation is Fe trying to 'fix' people. "Who cares what happens when we get there, when the getting there has been so much fun?" - values the present and past over future. "They say we only sing showtunes or 80's pop. Let's show them how down we are. Let's give them the song of the year... New Directions style!" - why has nobody voted at least a w8 THE CHALLANGER? his whole thing is proving people wrong and showing he can do things. Emma: "You know Will, that's your problem. You're too uptight" Will: "Oh, you're calling me uptight? The woman who buys hand sanitizer by the barrel." - goes for a personal attack when receiving critcism. (Will blindly knowing that Kurt would try to join the girls team...) "Kurt, I’m gonna say it again: boys’ team." - could be me reaching but Si?? anyone? "Uhhh....No. Come on guys! There's GOT to be a Journey song we haven't done yet." - an example of his selfish behaviour, not taking into consideration what the group wants, however this could be seen as Fe as in he thinks that's what's best. "Hey there sexy lady. I know that it’s late and I know that you’re taken. I’ve had a couple drinks but I have something I really really want to want to say to you. I love how you eat your lunch with your little plastic gloves and they crinkle and make the cutest sound I’ve ever heard in my life. Why don’t you pick up some wine coolers and come over here and it’ll be just one night of us just getting crazy. Let's just get crazy! So we’re really crazy rolling around in the hay, ha ha, as I was just in some hay earlier tonight. Hey, and I rode a bull and I was thinking of you." - horrifying "WE ARE ALL MINORITIES IN THE GLEE CLUB!" - terrible terrible "You're not a little girl anymore, Quinn. How long are you planning on playing the victim card? Since day one, you've done nothing but sabotage the same Glee club that's been there for you over and over again, when you got pregnant, when your parents kicked you out. You know, Mercedes even let you live in her house! And I don't recall ever hearing so much as a "thank you." And now, you're a train wreck. Well, congratulations. But you stride into my office and tell me it's my fault? Well, then I have something to say to you, grow up." - evil evil little stinky man “No Mr Schue I am not. For that matter, why does the school sell slushies that people don’t even drink? You’re literally facilitating my bullying.” - rachel after w*ll does nothing when she gets attacked (with a slushie) the thong song “you taught me more about being a man than anyone I know.” - said to the minor TOXIC FE MANIPULATION TRYING TO SEDUCE SUE everything to do with the spanish thing “aside from creeping us out why are you telling us this” - santana after he goes into detail about his marriage problems with the 16 year olds sang 'fix you' by coldplay to try and fix emma's ocd

