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  2. Television
  3. Glee (2009)

Quinn Fabray MBTI Personality Type

Quinn Fabray MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Quinn Fabray? Quinn Fabray is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - sx/so - 316 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, LSE in Socionics.

She's obviously ESTJ! Te- Quinn always wants to be the one on top and in charge. Even in her relationships, Quinn is always the leader. She makes the rules and calls the shots, and she feels uncomfortable feeling invisible. Quinn enjoys being the queen bee of her high school and cares very much for her image, although she doesn’t care about being well-liked, being quite satisfied being the Head Bitch In Charge.Si- Despite her confident aura, Quinn carries her past and the insecurities that her past has caused around with her, as seen in the episode Born This Way. She hates the idea of losing her queen bee status and shaking up the status quo, enjoying things the way they are and the way they’ve always been. Ne- Quinn is constantly worrying about the way things will turn out and does her best to prevent the worst from happening. Fi- I don't have to explain.


Quinn Fabray (born February 1st, 1996) portrayed by #DiannaAgron
