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  2. Television
  3. Glee (2009)

Finn Hudson MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Finn Hudson? Finn Hudson is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - so/sx - 692 in Enneagram, SCUAN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

Finn such a sweet lost character, sometimes art really does imitate real life😩. But he is a good example of a young immature ISFP. he just needed some more guidance. He really wanted to make something of himself, to be more than just "high school hero life zero" he had tert Ni with his fear that he'll be another Lima loser. He acts out clearly whenever his emotions build up and he struggles to express them in healthy manners. But he follows his moral code, from the pilot you can tell he has a strong sense of right and wrong like with helping Artie out of the porta-potty. I think his tert Ni also shows in his idealization of his father and he loses even more direction when he learns the truth about his dad's death. But when Finn really wants something he can use his inferior Te like when he set up a kissing booth just to kiss Quinn or tracking down Sam to join glee club again. I know he can show Fe at times but it's just because he doesn't want to hurt or disappoint anyone, he dislikes conflict and he has an inner war going on of what he wants to do and what others want him to do. I think his type 6 enneagram really makes him seem more like a follower because he just hates conflict and wants some security.


