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  3. Glee (2009)

Kurt Hummel MBTI Personality Type

Kurt Hummel MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Kurt Hummel? Kurt Hummel is an personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - so/sx - 416 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Very peculiar INTJ but still INTJ; Ni---> long time planning, strong morals kept through the entire series (here we can see Fi too), imaginative and focused on the big picture (like his "image", to say one) Te---> he's clearly concerned about getting stuff done, and this is why you can always see competition with Rachel. He wants to win and succeed, he likes to be praised for his achievements, he's ambitious and driven Fi---> I don't think this needs to be explained... he's a very emotional INTJ, attached to his ethic, proud of his feelings too but scared of showing too much Se---> inferior, yeah, he's not much of a "material fun-loving" person and he clearly admits it; he's basically a romantic. But still, he cares about the external environment and about his looks, he seems to be very physically present, he doesn't feel awkward in public situations and he's good at being at the centre of attention.


Kurt Elizabeth Hummel (born May 27th, 1993) portrayed by Chris Colfer. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel is a fictional character from the Fox musical comedy-drama series Glee. Series creators Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan initially conceived of him as a fashionable gay countertenor who is routinely bullied at school. Kurt is portrayed by actor Chris Colfer, and has appeared as a character on the show since its pilot episode, first broadcast on May 19, 2009. Glee follows the trials of the New Directions glee club at the fictional William McKinley High School in the town of Lima, Ohio, of which Kurt is a member. His storylines in the first season focus on his struggle with his sexuality as he comes out to his father and friends, and deals with his romantic feelings for Finn Hudson, the straight co-captain of the glee club.

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