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Satoru Gojo MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Satoru Gojo? Satoru Gojo is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sp/so - 738 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

I commented something below, but I have more things to say because I'm fascinated that this guy is a freaking textbook ENTP. He is always thinking in terms of possibilities ¿Remember his fight with Jogo? The guy literally tought: "OMG, this is a great oportunity to teach Itadori" not "OMG, I'm gonna have fun fighting" sure he was enjoying his trolling to Jogo, but I think that the difference he has with a SeDom is pretty clear. You also have the fact that he designed a training method based on watching films, not in physicall clash (like the other 99% of sorcerers) and his technique is based on an advanced philosophy concept (read Zenon of Elea or the history of Achiles and the turtle) he is surely interested in pop culture and his references, despite his appearence of ultimate chad, being a highly reflexive person. Totally Fi blind at all. Not interested in what morality dictates, but in what logic dictates. Interested in potential, seeing possibilities in his kids to become stronger than him (although the amount of ego in his persona). He is always well dressed (high Fe) and wanting to make relationships that fullfill him and people to rely on (like the one he had with Suguru Getou, were we can see the nostalgia associated with Si) Sorry for bad english. I'm spanish speaker and I tried to do my best


Satoru Gojo (五条 悟 ; Gojō Satoru) is one of the main protagonists of Jujutsu Kaisen. He is a special grade jujutsu sorcerer and a teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. He's voiced by #YuichiNakamura

Anime & Manga Characters Similar to Satoru Gojo
