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Toji Fushiguro MBTI Personality Type

Toji Fushiguro MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Toji Fushiguro? Toji Fushiguro is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sp/sx - 873 in Enneagram, RCUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

The dogmatism on this page can be very annoying. It seems like people here have an idealized perception of how an ESTP should look like and won’t let that perception move ever so slightly to expand their view of the type, so as soon as an ESTP that isn’t an „ape“, for the lack of a better term, that only yells and screams, that person, or character, is immediately voted as either ISTP or ExTJ. Even the perception of what an introverted thinking dominant is ends up being warped and neatly adjusted and altered to fit one’s narrative. As a community people here love to claim that they dislike stereotypes, that they’ll type people off cognitive functions and not like those perky 16p bastards! But then, ironically enough, they end up doing exactly what they claim to be fighting against. Toji is mainly typed ISTP for two reasons, he shows that he can actually think things through and properly strategize and focus on his job, so he must have dominant Ti because he thinks for himself and have tertiary Ni because he can plan, then the other reason is how he treated Megumi and how anti-tradition or isolated he is, so he must be Fe inferior. Yet I’m yet to see how one comment explains Ti dominant properly, all of them just use the fact that his Ti and Se are both „well developed“ as a clutch to avoid properly arguing why Toji would ever lead with a dominant introverted rational function. If you’ve ever taken the time to properly read either Jungian based books (Examples: „Psychological Types“, „Personality Types“, „Conscious Orientation“) or have taken the time out of your life to even lay an eye on the most basic information found in Myers-Briggs’ book „Gifts Diffeing“, you’d see that Toji does not lead with a function like Ti at all. Before you come at me for even daring to separate types into „Introverted“ and „Extraverted“, you should know that if one uses a Jungian-based framework, they’ll always take into account the cognitive attitude of the person they’re typing, the social introvert and extrovert are not what I’m talking about. The Ti dominant is introverted and rational, the Se dominant is extraverted and irrational. If you wish to undersand the difference between congitive E/I, all one needs to do is take a look at this chart from Myers-Briggs’ book: https://i.imgur.com/CAP6yAG.png, and after taking a look at a list as simple as this, no one would ever think that Toji leans I>E. I mean these two alone kill the idea completely: - „Minds inwardly directed, frequently unaware of the objective environment, interest and attention being engrossed by inner events.“ - „Their real world therefore is the inner world of ideas and understanding. The cultural genius, the people of ideas and abstract invention, who go from considering to doing and back to considering.“ When introversion comes in touch with thinking, the function Ti is produced, one which collects facts and beliefs, constructing a personalized system one follows and acts upon. Once a function like this is in the dominant position, the individual lives by the function, life is dictated with this formula and the person follows it, constantly looking inside to see what to do, an intellectual domatist who lives life according to this system which he has crafted for himself. The nature of the introverted thinker is also rational, one only acts in accordance to this system, a rational type has clearly defined actions for what they’ll do, they naturally follow the logical or ethical formula they/others have set. Looking at some quotes by Hoop illustrate the type very well: - „The introvert of thinking-type also takes his systematized experience as his guide; but here the emphasis falls on the inner aspect, thus on the need for objective order and on laws and principles, according to which experience is generally systematized.“ - „Hence we see here a living contact with ideas, and subtle reflection and consideration, side by side with difficulty in expressing and applying what has been thought out, and a certain aloofness from the world of facts in general.“ - „As among the extraverted thinkers, here, also, we may find keen concentration of will and constant activity. Since the introvert finds the motives for his aspirations more within himself, he is less dependent on external stimuli.“ We can also take a look at some definitons of IxTPs Myers-Briggs has given: - „Are interested primarily in the underlying principles“ - „Are inwardly absorbed in the current analysis or a problem“ Now, ask yourself, do these descriptions of a dominant Ti type, fit Toji? Is Toji truly someone who is oriented towards his inner world, someone who becomes a slave to his own set of beliefs, someone who acts according to a formula, someone who constantly introspects and ends up detaching from the world because of it? Very clearly, the profile of this type, is not who Toji is. *CONTINUATION IN THE REPLIES OF THE COMMENT*


Toji Fushiguro (伏黒 甚爾 ; Fushiguro Tōji), born Toji Zenin (禪院 甚爾 ; Zen'in Tōji) is a recurring character in the Jujutsu Kaisen series.

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