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Yuta Okkotsu MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Yuta Okkotsu? Yuta Okkotsu is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 694 in Enneagram, RLOAN in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

Yuta’s consensus was always strange to me. I thought he was a pretty obvious 6 core, and an obvious self preservation 6 with that, however I’ve come to find that he’s typed as 9 core on here. I noticed the same trend with other characters in other series, the confusion between these two types runs deep and I’m going to try to explain why 6 core is a better fit for him. Firstly we can take a look into the two triads, the gut and head triad, as well as the passions of the two core types. The gut triad is identified with the physical body, due to this triad is anger based, with each of the types handling it differently. In the case of the 9, the anger is avoided and suppressed as much as possible, which leads to the passion of sloth. The passion of sloth causes the 9 to not want to be disturbed by a reality that is not stable or peaceful, and they tend to be very flexible in order to keep themselves low and keep things stable. On the other side, the head triad has gotten itself the title of the „doing group“, since types of this triad go through a lot in their minds before deciding what to do. This triad is identified with the emotion of fear, with each of the types handling it differently. The 6 as the center of the head triad, tries to adopt methods to create a sense of safety. This links to their passion of anxiety, it causes the 6 to be suspicious and worried, they’re aware that anything could go wrong and they don’t want to be endangered or put their trust into the wrong people or beliefs. Looking at these two side by side, we see a bit of a problem with 9. It doesn’t really make sense for Yuta to be in the gut triad as opposed to the head one, as well as the fact that the 9 passion doesn’t fit him very well compared to the 6 one. You might think that it’s unfair to use this on Yuta who’s been traumatised and is anxious and distrustful because of that, however this just proves the point further. The Enneagram is a combination of many things, but it is mostly about coping mechanisms which we develop early into our lives to cope with some sort of trauma, these coping mechanisms can range from thoughts, feelings, behaviours, interacting styles you name it. In Yuta’s case, he was traumatised by what we learn happened in Volume 0 and due to that he developed the 6 ego fixation, and with it the passion and the traits often seen in the type. We can also take a look at the trait structure of the 9 and see things that conflict with Yuta, which I will list now (I’ll also link the source of this below). Firstly, the trait of psychological inertia is pretty much stripped from Yuta. This trait causes a 9 core to lack inner passion, struggle with imagination, deafen their inner voices and very concrete when it comes to understanding of the world. This is very anti Yuta, as Yuta’s mind is shown to be racing constantly, he’s often thinking about the worst and is very in touch with his inner voices. Another trait in the trait structure causes the 9 to have a passion for comfort, lean to custom and regularity and have an excessive concern for preserving their balance, which isn’t really seen in Yuta either. Lastly, another very conflicting trait is that of distractability. This trait causes the 9 to over-simplify the outer and inner world, show signs of literalness, be forgetful, pursue distractions and avoid the things that are seen as complicated by them. Yuta has never shown any signs of being literal really, nor does he try to distract himself from his problems, if anything he’s stuck constantly thinking about them and being anxious that he can’t escape them. In contrast, the 6 trait structure goes very well with him. First trait on the structure is called Fear and Anxiety, which we already talked about before, the trait manifests as the 6 constantly imagining dangers, fearing change, thinking about the worst case scenario, constantly doubting themselves, fearing future consequences and so on. This fits Yuta very well, who’s constantly in a state of doubt, anxiety and fear of the world throughout volume 0. Another trait present in 6s causes them to be suspicious and look for hidden meanings in things, and this is also present in Yuta as people have praised his ability to deduce and scan things in order to find deeper meaning on this very page before. The friendliness of the 6 is also present in Yuta, he tries to be likable in order to be safe, seeks and gives warmth and tries to surround himself with trustful people. The trait of doubt and ambivalence it also present in him, as he’s doubtful of himself, uncertain and suspicous. Looking at these two side by side, it’s clear where Yuta falls into, and I’m suprised that the 9 core consensus was reached and that nobody questioned it. In the reply I will continue about his subtype+tritype.


Yuta Okkotsu (乙骨 憂太 ; Okkotsu Yūta) is the main protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen's prequel series Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High. He is voiced by #MegumiOgata

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