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Nobara Kugisaki MBTI Personality Type

Nobara Kugisaki MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Nobara Kugisaki? Nobara Kugisaki is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sp/sx - 873 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

Since many people still don't understand why Nobara is typed as ESTJ, I'm making this comment explaining her functions one by one in a detailed way, based on her interactions during season 1. Te dominant: Kugisaki is rational. She analyses people and situations through logic and make decisions based on what she thinks is the most efficient thing to do according to that situation. She values doing things in a effective way more than anything. In episode 3, when Gojo was testing the 1st years, Nobara prioritized them splitting up to finish the job effectively than them working together as a team (lack of Fe), which is why she struggled to work with Itadori and Megumi in the beginnings. Her tendency to look at the world logically is the reason why she sometimes acts rude or insensitively – which is why some people voted her as an ESxP. Si auxiliary: Kugisaki has a particular way of doing things and she doesn't like it when it is interrupted. When she fought that cursed spirit in the first episodes, she struggled and gave up because it was different from the cursed spirits she exorcized in the countryside. She even said it was weak but her experience fighting curses in the countryside couldn't help her. Also, she frequently uses her past experiences to shape her understanding of the present. Nobara heavily bases her worldview on her experiences with Saori. When she came to Tokyo, she immediately remembered of Saori and felt happy to be on the same city as her. She is not clinging on any past trauma, she just places a lot of emphasis on ordinary events from her past. Ne tertiary: Nobara shows a lot of Ne in her daily habits when she's not working as a sorcerer and in her comic relief moments, as the tertiary function is more of a less developed and relief function. Her Ne tertiary is probably the reason why some people see Se in her. Rather, during the plot events, Kugisaki starts to develop an ability to think creatively and flexibly during battles. In her fight with Nishimiya on the school tournament, she thought on a way of defeating Nishimiya by using a wire from her broom on her straw doll technique. When she fought Eso and Kechizu, she found a way of hurting them by hurting herself. Fi inferior: I saw some comments saying that Kugisaki has a strong moral system, but I totally disagree with that. Kugisaki demonstrates a clear disgust towards righteousness and people who act as if they are on moral high ground. The best example of this is her interactions with Nishimiya during the Goodwill Event; when Nishimiya was explaining women's struggles in jujutsu world, Nobara expressed a clear disinterest and disagreeance with Momo's speech. She only demonstrates sympathy and loyalty to people who give her an good impression. However, most of her interactions scream Te and Si, absolutely no Se, Ti or Fe. I hope she makes a comeback during culling game arc and gets more character development.


Nobara Kugisaki (釘崎 野薔薇 ; Kugisaki Nobara) is the tritagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen. She is a first-year at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College.

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