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Suguru Getō MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Suguru Getō? Suguru Getō is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 614 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.

Well, since the profiles are divided and this is now the true Geto's page, I think I'll actually articulate an argument for INTJ: Firstly, it's pretty clear to see where Ni-Te plays a role in Geto's thinking. He's mainly concerned with purpose and meaning in existence. He focuses not on the actions people take, but the underlying meaning of said actions, within specific contexts. This is definitely Ni at work. His conceptualisation of shamans as "the strong", with non-shamans being "the weak" is an example of him developing a worldview, then assigning categories and archetypes to people within that the world or system. Off the back of this, he believes that there is an inherent duty on the part of one of said categories in relation to the other (namely, the strong and their duty to protect the weak) and chooses to act in accordance with this judgment (Te). Geto's justification for this conception is more reason-based, detached and separate from the human element one would see in Fe. Whereas Fe would perhaps see preserving the social standards and bonds as the core motivator (like Yuta does), Geto's Te focuses instead on just the duty aspect. It is almost completely impersonal. What's socially conventional doesn't really matter, duty does. Geto's Fi is also pretty clear, although I would argue it is unhealthy due to the amount of emotional suppression he commits to. It is clearly in the tertiary spot, since whilst Geto is keenly aware of it's influence on this thinking, he sees it more as a contradicting influence to his duty (Te) and chooses to exclude that human element from his thinking. Yet still, he cannot help but develop a specific internal judgement of the "purpose" of shamans. He still believes that it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak and he never really stopped believing that. He just went from accepting that state of affairs, to then seeing it as unfair and wanting to change it. He doesn't use logic or some form of experiential knowledge determine that the way shamans are treated is wrong, rather he feels it with a burning passion. It isn't rational and can be traced back to feelings of exploitation and hatred, both from and towards non-shamans. He is just upset with the unfairness of it all. He makes no bones about the fact that what he is doing is ultimately selfish and unreasonable as he tacitly implied in his conversation with Gojo. When he spoke to Gojo, we could see his Fi coming to blows with Gojo's Ti. Gojo couldn't rationalise why someone who had spent so long believing in performing their duty and protecting the weak would commit to a line of action that was so irrational. Geto didn't even try to justify his principles, because he believes they have meaning in of themselves. This is what happens when a repressed Fi finally unleashes itself. Then of course, inferior Se is clear in his more deliberating approach. He seeks meaning in actions, as opposed to taking them for granted. He sees the trigger for his cursed spirit manipulation (eating a ball which tastes like a vomit soaked rag) as another silent sacrifice he performs for ungrateful weaklings, a small part of a greater injustice. When a higher Se user would probably just see it as f*cking disgusting in it's own right. He has a good amount of spatial awareness and martial skill, but this seems to come from extensive training (since Akutami said that one of his hobbies is martial arts), so it's unlikely to be a natural affinity for interacting with and exploiting his surroundings. Not to mention the fact that his "solution" to the supposed injustice Jujutsu Sorcerers face (which is to cull non-shamans until they evolve to control their cursed energy and become shamans, meaning there are no more curses) is typically large-scale and universal, demonstrating the Ni-Te approach to problem solving. Locating the one key issue, the point from which all the world's problems come from and forming a worldview around solving it (Ni). Then solving it in a blunt and practical manner with the means at hand (Te). Compare that to Yuki's (a Ti user) more nuanced approach, towards understanding cursed energy more and how to somehow ween people off of it. Geto meanwhile just wants to kill the people who are causing the problem. From a calculation standpoint, yes it will solve the problem, but it is also a solution which takes no nuances or differing circumstance into play. This is the effectiveness of Te vs the precision of Ti. The hammer vs the scalpel. So yeah, all in all, a total INTJ. For the Brain, well I'll probably wait until we get more of a glimpse into his mind (lol) for typing him. He seems to present as INTJ too, but I think there may be more layers to his personality than what has been shown so far.


Suguru Getō (夏油 傑 ; Getō Suguru) is a recurring character in Jujutsu Kaisen, being the deuteragonist of the Hidden Inventory Arc and the main antagonist in the prequel: Jujutsu Kaisen 0. He is widely considered the worst modern curse user, his actions driven by the enmity and discrimination towards sorcerers he witnessed as a jujutsu sorcerer. He wields the Curse Spirit Manipulation technique and is one of the most powerful sorcerers, being one of the only four Special Grade sorcerers in the world. #TakahiroSakurai

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