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Shinobu Kocho MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Shinobu Kocho? Shinobu Kocho is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - sp/so - 153 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

My absolute favorite example of Shinobu’s Te is actually within her inferiority complex. She curses herself for not developing a strong body like the rest of the demon slayers and thus throws herself into developing poisons, deeming herself useless if she can’t aid in the destruction of demons in some way. She is willing to go to ridiculous lengths to be useful and effective. She made up her own breathing style to make up for her lack of strength for gods sake. Te radiates off of her in every action she makes. Even if ENTP is winning, I honestly don’t mind because you know what? Not even 6 months ago she had like 10 INTJ votes max. Eventually she will get to INTJ. People who actually care about mbti will come with the new Demon Slayer season, read the arguments, and vote accordingly. ENTP spam voters will eventually get bored and leave. I highly doubt she won’t be INTJ by July. Like, 153 tritype had *0* votes two weeks ago. And now it’s majority! The power of people who sincerely care for a character and write multiple essays on their type shouldn’t be undervalued, everyone working hard to convince others of her Ni-Te-Fi should have more faith in themselves. We got this far for a reason guys! Just keep it up!


"Even if we're weak and can't cut off demon heads, if we defeat one demon, we can save dozens of people. And if we defeat an Upper Rank Kizuki, we can save hundreds. It's not about whether we can or cannot. There are things we have to do." Shinobu Kocho is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. She is a Demon Slayer of the Demon Slayer Corps and the current Insect Pillar. Shinobu Kocho is also the younger sister of Kanae Kocho and along with her younger adopted Kanao Tsuyuri. After the demons killed their parents she joined the Demon Slayer Corps along with her sister to protect others from suffering the same fate as her. Seiyuu: #SaoriHayami

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