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Marley Rose MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Marley Rose? Marley Rose is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - so/sx - 962 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

6w7 sx/sp? Especially when paired with a Fi dom, that makes for a very counterphobic, assertive 6. Other than Marley’s desire to fit in at school, she has little 6’s traits centering around their core desire for security and safety. Rather, I see her core desire to maintain external and internal peace and a harmonious environment, which explains her passive, forgiving nature. Also, the social 9 is the countertype of 9, so they’re more other-oriented and outgoing with people (like Marley) rather than the dreamy, demure sexual 9 or the reclusive, indulgent self-preservation 9. The 9’s sin is sloth and laziness, lacking the motivation or drive to accomplish things. In Marley’s case, her dream to become a famous singer-songwriter is a faraway goal because she never attempts to put herself out there until the end of Season Four (and even then, in Season Five, she almost gives up her dream for being rejected from one song contest). In periods of growth, Marley moves to 3, and becomes driven, image-conscious (in a healthy way), and assertive. We see this after the school shooting, when Marley decided to put herself out there and tries to get her songs into the Nationals setlist. We also see this growth to 3 after she becomes more dedicated and focused on her singing career after Mercedes and Ryder give her pep talks after they lost Nationals in Season 5. And in periods of stress, Marley goes to 6. She becomes desperate to fit in, paranoid, and insecure. After Bree reveals that she slept with Marley’s then-boyfriend Jake, Marley storms over to him and breaks down from her fear, anxiety, and devastation at him cheating. Also, in the beginning of Season 4, Marley is anxious to be liked and fit in at her new school McKinley, so she wears fake designer clothing and tries to pretend to be someone she’s not to receive validation and acceptance from her peers (also her unhealthy moving to 3). I really want to break this tie and make her a 9w1 again!


Marley Rose (born October 5th, 1996)

Television Characters Similar to Marley Rose
