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  3. Helluva Boss (2019)

Mammon, Ruler of the Greed Ring MBTI Personality Type

Mammon, Ruler of the Greed Ring MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Mammon, Ruler of the Greed Ring? Mammon, Ruler of the Greed Ring is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 873 in Enneagram, SCOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

I’d say he’s shown almost no N, it’s likely his inferior function. His goal is to satisfy his material desires immediately (Se) and seems to lack or disregard future planning. He likes to live in and enjoy the present moment. His tendency to pleasure his senses through parties, money, food and women are a good example. He takes things at face value, if something will make him money then it’s logical to him. He seems to also understand emotions enough to manipulate Fizz into sticking around and seems to lack any individual values/principles (weak Fe and no Fi). From this, I think he’s most likely an ESTP.


One of the Seven Deadly Sins and ruler of the Greed Ring, Mammon's likeness can be found printed on Hell's currency. While he has yet to fully appear, a sneak peek from the official Helluva Boss Twitter revealed a silhouette of his as well as implied that he might have an Australian accent..

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