Douma MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Douma? Douma is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 729 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

I honestly would have thought he would have been too typical and boring if he had been an ENTP. All of the ENFJ characters from KNY earlier are Pure Goods (Tanjiro, Kyojuro, Kanae). But he is the only Pure Evil among ENFJs. As I've said before comparing him to Esdeath (ENTJ), he's a lot worse than the ENTJ villains. He is the Master Manipulator. At the same time, he is the complete opposite of Kanae Kocho. And the mbti of KNY Pure Evils is High Fe, except for Muzan. Not all Good characters are XNFJs, and not all Evil characters are XNTJs. Sometimes I want to see a work in which the main hero is an ENTJ and the main villain is an ENFJ. NF types of psychopaths and sociopaths are more threatening than NT types. Just think how terrible and demonic Johan Liebert (INFJ) and Yashiro Gaku (ENFJ) were. Interestingly enough, Akame Ga Kill! and Kimetsu no Yaiba have a lot in common. However, while Akame Ga Kill!'s Ice Murderer lacks Fe and High Te but have many redeeming qualities, Kimetsu's Ice Murderer has high Fe and lacks Te but no redeeming qualities and completely heartless chaotic monster. Fe does not symbolize morality, and conversely, Te is not not symbolize evil. It is a prejudice to say that lack of emotion and that Psychopath/Sociopath can never be a Feeling Type. With this bias, what about Johan Liebert, Lotso Bear, Rose Armitage, Commodus and Yashiro Gaku? If you want to know how dangerous ENFJ villains are, I recommend watching the movie Get Out and Anime Erased. Ice Queen: unhealthy Te + Sadist + Yandere Ice Demon: unhealthy Fe + Psychopath + Sadist (It seems that the Douma MBTI controversy war will continue for the time being.)


"The idea of divine punishment is a joke. Wicked people going to hell after death? If humans didn't think like that, people with weak spirits couldn't keep going, right? I truly believe... that humans are pathetic." Douma is a major supporting antagonist of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a Demon affiliated with the Twelve Demon Moons, holding the position of Upper Rank Two.
