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Zenitsu Agatsuma MBTI Personality Type

Zenitsu Agatsuma MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Zenitsu Agatsuma? Zenitsu Agatsuma is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sp/sx - 692 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

he has very strong Se and Fi, and both poor Ni and Te. but still Fi>Se. it’s clearly obvious that Zenitsu lives according to his values. it’s like his essence. his whole character revolves around him trying to improve himself to become the best version of himself. he’s constantly trying to build his identity and questions all of his actions cause they don’t meet his own expectations/his own morals. ofc he’s very connected to his environment and is usually the first one to notice things, but he only reacts if he thinks it’s ‘worth it’ according to HIM. he reacts when it feels right to him only. FiSe just makes more sense!



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