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Gajeel Redfox MBTI Personality Type

Gajeel Redfox MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Gajeel Redfox? Gajeel Redfox is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 873 in Enneagram, RCUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

I've seen Gajeel typed as INTJ before. Honestly, can someone explain to me why someone would think that?


Gajeel is an Iron Dragon Slayer who is capable of transforming any part of his body into a metal weapon. Frustrated after the disappearance of his dragon, Metalicana, Gajeel starts out as one of Fairy Tail's most merciless and hated rivals from the Phantom Lord guild. However, as fate would have it, he ends up joining Fairy Tail after his old guild dissolves following their guild war. Against all odds, he works past his former adversaries' resentment and suspicion, eventually proving himself a trusted ally and valued friend.

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