1. People & Characters
  2. Television
  3. Glee (2009)

Mercedes Jones MBTI Personality Type

Mercedes Jones MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Mercedes Jones? Mercedes Jones is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - sx/so - 386 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

ESTP? Where is Ti?? She seems like a healthy ESFP, with perhaps developed Tertiary Te? She is a clear Fi user, although my honest opinion, I really wished the writers did better w/ her character. Her beliefs emerge from within herself and not from analysis honestly. She probably had some Fe scenes, but then you can't type one who just uses a tertiary function without the secondary one. For her Enneagram, she seems to have balanced wings- I am leaning towards w4 however, since she tends to want to be more unique and self expressive artist. Along with that, I can see her integration to 6, as she becomes super loyal to friends and others.


Mercedes Jones (born December 9th, 1994) portrayed by #AmberRiley
