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Ryomen Sukuna MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Ryomen Sukuna? Ryomen Sukuna is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sp/sx - 837 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

(1/5) I want to apologize in advance if this is not entirely clear, I'm using a translator, English is not my native language. In addition, the text may not be structured, jumping from topic to topic. I will try to add links to sources. The syllable is overly simple, there may be common parlance. Be reasonable and back up your words with direct sources if you want to argue with me. Thank you for attention. ======= So there's going to be a lot of chatter here, I don't know how much it will end up being, but I'll try to be brief. Before I look at cognitive functions, I have to say one thing: I WILL NOT USE MBTI. Yes, I spelled it out in 4 letters, but I did it because ES(T) is ESTP by correlation. And also I won’t say anything about his enneagram, who can/can’t be who, I just don’t want to waste time on that. Only Jung and some insertions from von Franz's works are used here. If you want to object to me and use things like “loops, grips,” I won’t even answer this. So let's start with the "theory". The descriptions of cognitive functions in the MBTI and Jung's book differ. This does not mean that someone revealed it well and someone revealed it poorly, they are just...different. Many people point out the "chaotic" and harshness of ENTJ because of their Te-Se loop/stack (but for some reason I haven't seen people justify the harshness of ESTJ with Te-Ne, pfff). That’s why I don’t like the MBTI system, because stereotypes arise and the whole system becomes overly complicated. And here we begin to forget that we are not typing REAL PEOPLE, but a CHARACTER, ACTION, THOUGHT, WHOSE OPINION IS LIMITED TO THE PLOT ON PAPER. We try to come up with something for the character, because of which we cross the boundaries, go into subjectivity and we invent everything for the character. Therefore, character typing shouldn't be difficult at all, since... It’s funny, we see the SAME, but we all perceive it differently. People are living beings with the most complex system, so it is acceptable here that we use all 8 functions, this is absolutely normal. But today we are talking about a fictional character. And it is also often forgotten that functions are not WHY, but HOW. Both types can do the same thing, with the same goal, but in different ways. So we are looking at Jung's system. If we read his works, then in fact we will see that, unlike the MBTI, Jung pays most attention to the first (dom), second (aux) and last function, the “inferior”. But tertiary? This is where the whole difference lies: the guys from MBTI pay a lot of attention to the tertiary and lower functions. But from Jung's work we can see : "Primary: Most differentiated in the extraverted Auxiliary: Less differentiated. Assists the primary Inferior: The least differentiated function; therefore in the introverted unconscious and archaic." (Many people criticize Wikipedia, but I used table from there. It also says about the disagreement between Jung and Myers-Briggs, I advise you to read https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungian_cognitive_functions ) From this we can conclude that the third and fourth functions are almost not used at all and are ignored. Again, there are some conditions that may cause them to occur, but this is temporary. Jung described mainly the negative influence of the inferior function, but if we turn to von Franz, she also talked about another influence of the inferior function. But remember that neither the inferior nor the tertiary will be as strong as the dominant and auxiliary. A person will directly avoid using these functions, because...Why? "Haha, I have the first and second, which are like my brothers, I always live according to what is invested in these functions, this is my nature, this is my element. Why would I use something that IS CONTRADICTED to it?" We can both deny and accept th/inf functions, but never use them as dominant and auxiliary. Therefore, it is fair to state here that the tertiary Fe makes more sense than the tertiary Se. He uses Se a lot and often, but Fe doesn't. ENTJ simply won't use Se as often, so why? There are Te-Ni, they do a great job. In the same way, Sukuna uses Se-Ti, Fe and Ni just don't *** matter. Of course, this does not mean that he does not use them at all, like ENTJ Se and Fi, but for ENTJ his Se is too high, too high. ///// Ah...It will be very difficult and a lot here (and I’m too lazy to write it all down, to be honest), but I'll try. Sukuna is seen as SeTi or ENTJ with the creepy Te-Se "loop" (hello, mbti). But if we look at Jung's system, we see one wonderful and useful, convenient form : I write types as I/Ex(x), that is, first the introversion/extroversion first, main function, and then 1 letter indicating the aux function, but introversion/extroversion is not indicated. I also advise you to read the following post: https://www.typologycentral.com/threads/introversion-extraversion-the-mbti-and-the-iiee-eeii-stacks.95625/ ------------> (COMMENTS)


Ryomen Sukuna (両面 宿儺 ; Ryōmen Sukuna), more often called just Sukuna (宿儺 ; Sukuna), is a mighty Cursed Spirit that serves as one of the primary antagonists of Jujutsu Kaisen. #JunichiSuwabe

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