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Sanemi Shinazugawa MBTI Personality Type

Sanemi Shinazugawa MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Sanemi Shinazugawa? Sanemi Shinazugawa is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 863 in Enneagram, RLOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

Spoilers in Manga: . . . . . . . . . . . I love that Sanemi's soft personality is not only shown on Genya, Shinobu, Nezuko, and Masachika but also on the Hashira he gets along with the most, Obanai Iguro. In the manga, it is stated that Sanemi and Obanai get along the most of the nine Hashiras at the start of the series. "A friend I get along well with." - Obanai referring to Sanemi "I get along with him the most." - Sanemi referring to Obanai After Obanai's death and Muzan's defeat, Sanemi, off-screen, entrusted Kanao to take care of Kaburamaru, Obanai's pet snake, because he knows that his friend can no longer take care of the snake since he died. It should be noted that Obanai treated Kaburamaru not only as his pet but also as his dearest friend. Just like what Genya said, Sanemi is one of the nicest Hashiras. So yes, ESTJs can indeed be nice. I think that most of them are only shown through actions.


"Why do you think I went so far as to kill our mother? To protect you. You should have had a house somewhere and raised a family and grow old. And I would've never let a demon get near you." Sanemi Shinazugawa is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a Demon Slayer of the Demon Slayer Corps and the current Wind Pillar. Sanemi is also the older brother of Genya Shinazugawa, a Demon Slayer. Before becoming a Pillar, Sanemi, along with his partner Masachika Kumeno, defeated the former Lower Rank One, Ubume, with Masachika dying as a result. Seiyuu: #TomokazuSeki

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