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Genya Shinazugawa MBTI Personality Type

Genya Shinazugawa MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Genya Shinazugawa? Genya Shinazugawa is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - - 683 in Enneagram, RLUEN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

Soo Genya is one of my favorite characters, I want to explain why I think he's an unhealthy 6w7. I think I don't need to explain why he’s an ISFP because it's so obvious (and a lot of ISFP explanations). Let's go ! First of all I think people wanted to assign Enneagram 8 to him because of his "aggressive" behavior, or his hard working lone wolf attitude. But above all for his obsession with avoiding showing his weaknesses, which will push him to commit the type 8 passion: excess (For me he has 8 but not dom). I don't think that's actually the case, for me Genya is a type 6 and here are my arguments : To begin with, I sincerely think that due to his sad life, Genya is an unhealthy type 6. Indeed the latter constantly seeks to make a place for himself in the breasts of the heart of his brother Sanemi, to whom he’s very loyal. Even if Sanemi refuses to see him as his brother at the beginning of the story, Genya will not hesitate to stop loving him, and being in deep denial. We can highlight the moment when Zenitsu insults Sanemi and Genya starts to get angry. His loyalty to his brother is extreme, if not too much. But for me the most obvious is type 6 passion : fear. Indeed Genya is frightened and does everything to avoid deviance. In his final fight against Kokushibo, he knows his life is on the line, that he is afraid, that he is "weak". He knows very well that despite his efforts, he will remain a "weak" person. However, besides passion, the virtue of type 6 is : courage. And it’s in this same fight that Genya will sacrifice his life to save that of his master, his friend, and his brother. This bow of courage despite the fear that gnaws at him may well be a sign of a type 6. We can see other type 6 faculties, such as making decisions in logical ways, seeking a balance between one's inner and outer world. Type 6s are often indecisive in their actions and seek advice from others. He accumulates information about the aspect of a sitatuon and places it in his head as positive or negative. We can also note his commitments, his values ​​or his great help to those in need. Like when he explains to Tanjiro during pillar training how to successfully push the boulder. We can also notice that in the companion of Tanjiro or Gyomei, he becomes a healthy type 6, autonomous and confident of himself ready to help others with his courage. I associate Genya type 6 with a 7 wing. For me it’s supported by a constant desire for optimism, the head of which is filled with multiple possibilities. Besides, types 6 and 7 are both quite undecided. For me, it’s obvious that Genya is an 6w7, however, his self-contained and angers issues fail to highlight him, which makes him unhealthy. But there is no denying that a healthy presence around him, like Tanjiro or Gyomei, shows his true parity of him, which is a big 6 ! Thanks for reading, I would like to know more about people's opinion for a potential 8w9, because for me it’s a pure mistyped. (I’m not an enneagramme master btw)


"I don't want you to die. Because my big brother is the nicest person in this world." Genya Shinazugawa is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a Demon Slayer in the Demon Slayer Corps and also the younger brother of the Wind Hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa. Seiyuu: #NobuhikoOkamoto

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