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Verosika Mayday MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Verosika Mayday? Verosika Mayday is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 738 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Very stereotypical vote because she's a succubus, but I do think she's genuinely e8. Verosika seems very fond of adrenaline, stimuli, sensations. Take her trip to earth as an example, she likes being in a very explosive atmosphere full of stimuli. Reading into sx8, it describes that sx8s, especially during adolescence, are very sexually active. How does this tie into the fact that I think Verosika is an e8? Being excessively sexually active can depict a need for sensation and stimuli (that's why it says that for sx8s.) My second reason is that Verosika is very obviously sexually active, or at least encounters multiple intimate interactions because she's a succubus and in hell. With all that i've said, Se dom is very crystal clear, but it bugs me that she's typed 7w8 when e7 contradicts to Se because e7 is an intuitive enneatype while Se is all about sensory, you could consider e7 (and Ne) a dreamer, while Se a realist.


Verosika is a shameless celebrity, who is snide, underhanded and not above using others to her advantage. Despite this there is evidence, that she's heartbroken over her break-up with Blitzø since her reactions towards him can be viewed as petty.

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