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  3. Helluva Boss (2019)

Robotic Fizzarolli "Robo Fizz" MBTI Personality Type

Robotic Fizzarolli "Robo Fizz" MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Robotic Fizzarolli "Robo Fizz"? Robotic Fizzarolli "Robo Fizz" is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sp/so - 783 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

i’m a little stuck on his instinctual variant—he seems to show traits of all three sp: “selling out”, as blitzo put it, to mammon, likely to make money (we also see his face on a cereal box, in plushies—this marketing could come from a desire to gain personal wealth and stability) so: putting emphasis on his stage persona and the fact that people love him, as well as marketing his own image EXCESSIVELY sx: sexual partnership with others being his part-time *job*, his emotional-intelligence at least to the point that he knows how to get under blitzo’s skin i’m leaning toward sp/so, but i’d like to hear anyone’s thoughts?


Cartoons Characters Similar to Robotic Fizzarolli "Robo Fizz"
