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Minato Namikaze MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Minato Namikaze? Minato Namikaze is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - sp/so - 126 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

[SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ALL THE STUFF ABOUT THE HASHIRAMA AND MINATO IN NARUTO] Okay so I’ve been mulling over his type for a while now. xNFJ seems to be a fair conclusion to come to. But this is why I think he’s an ENFJ, departure from my initial thought of INFJ, and I’m sure I’ll be echoing most of what has already been said but hopefully it’ll shed some new light on why he’s ENFJ. Ni-Se: It’s very fair to identify that Minatos perception axis is Ni-Se. Where Ni is depth and linearity and Ne is about extrapolation, breath and possibilities. Minatos parent Ni is very evident in his goal to become the next Hokage and to protect and guide the Leaf Village. He’s a character of a singular and dedicated focus which is a strong indication of Ni being higher in his stack. Since Ni is high in his stack we can assume the natural counter part to it is Se. Fe-Ti: This seems to be the largest point of contention in the votes. But I actually think that Fe dominant for Minato makes a great deal of sense. ENFJs possess convergent Fe-Se, which means that they’re very proactive in their approaches to helping, problem solving etc. Very similar to ENTJs with convergent Te-Se except with less of a mechanical focus and more of a social focus. There are several users below my post that make very well argued reasoning for convergent Fe-Se in Minatos case. For one thing, whenever the Leaf village or, god forbid, any of his students are in trouble he takes a reactive role in protecting them. He doesn’t wait to extrapolate what’s the best course of action, he just does. His main thought process is how do I protect them (Fe) and what’s the best/ quickest approach to achieve this (Se). During the nine tail attack he was always in the frontline protecting the Kage mountain, Kushina, fighting Obito and when push came to shove was more than willing to give his life to save everyone. An Ni dominant during the attack would be contingency planning, delegating the approach to take and would be more proactive in the planning. Note: this isn’t a slight against either Fe dominants or Ni dominants, just highlighting the approach that would be taken by both sides. Inferior (Aspirational) Ti: Now inferior Ti, I know I’m very guilty of this in my previous post on here, so I would just like to apologise for that. Inferior function does not equal to absolute cluelessness of that function. If that were the case INxJs would walk straight into walls, ExTJs would always just be characters like Sukuna from JJK and IxTPs would quite literally be the stereotypical Fedora Neckbeards that are commonly shown on Reddit. The inferior function is actually the aspirational function of any type. Which means because it’s in the conscious stack of a type they have a very conscious use of it. It’s just that their preference isn’t naturally inclined to go to it. But this doesn’t mean by any stretch that ExFJs are dumb. In fact, Minato being such a caring and good teacher to Tobi, Kakashi and Rin (independent to all the crazy stuff that happens to them later on), was a display of his Ti being relayed through his Fe-Ni to them. Moreover, his use of Ni and Ti is actually very close to Hashiramas use of it. Like Hashirama, Minato would dive straight into battle without hesitation. But because in both their cases Ni-Ti is divergent they rely on it, more prominently, when the opponent is proving to be a greater challenge. In the fight against Madara and the nine tails, Hashirama first attempted to pull everything in his arsenal to face them. His observation of the Susano Ninetails and seeing the potential damage and destruction it can cause (Ni) was what allowed him to deduce that summoning Buddha was the best approach to fully eliminate the threat (Ti). Likewise, Minato had the same Ni-Ti deduction when he realised that sealing the ninetails was the only possible approach. In both cases, their Ti is what actually allows them to utilise their Fe and Se proficiently and to it’s maximum potential. If Ni and Ti were convergent, like in INFJ, the character would be way more into investigating, deducing and planning about the course of action to take before approaching the problem. INFJs in particular with Se being their inferior. Continuation on extroversion and introversion in the replies.



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