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Dracule Mihawk MBTI Personality Type

Dracule Mihawk MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Dracule Mihawk? Dracule Mihawk is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 594 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

This man's Se is amazing! -Mihawk attacked Don Krieg and his men may have been simply because they disturbed his nap. -Mihawk admitted that the only reason he followed them all the way back to the Grand Line's East Blue was to "kill time". He learns things, not just analyzing it, he needs to ATTACK and test people (Ti-Se). His inf Fe, although not much shown, appears when he is calling Perona and Zoro, he really does not have strong and emotional ties to them, however, especially with Perona, he shows concern and enjoys his company (the man just left the girl to live with him for free), although he later let her go for his own safety. Ni terc of him, sorry for who voted Ni dom, but he was never shown any determination or vision of his purpose and clear objective in his life, he just wants to fight and fight, see his abilities, and study the techniques of the other swordsmen, improve your techniques, curiosities. He was never shown wanting to achieve anything, to command, to change something (Ni dom) in fact. Although he says all those phrases to Zoro, it was just for his student to try harder, so that in the future he can have another competitor and spend his energy fighting against him.


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