Mahito MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Mahito? Mahito is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - 748 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

there's no way Mahito is Beta NF and his childlike behavior aligns very well, not only with Quadra Alpha in general, but measures commonly taken by ILEs; disregard for human life and morals + codes of conduct is something you'll notice quite obviously in him which will fit better to low Fi. EIEs, as Ignoring Fi (strong, still) may choose to follow its emotions, but on the other hand, they understand ethical codes - Mahito just seems to play with people while not noticing that such a thing exists, which makes EIE a curious typing, to say the least - since EIEs are among the ideological humanitarians (lol) the way i see the enthusiasm with which he presents his thoughts to Junpei - when he was first introduced - aligns much more with ILE's tendency to discuss theoretically complex concepts as a source of stimulus for his (valued) Ne-Ti, *for fun*. pretty much like him, Ne's Agenda is to expand one's concept of the world by exploring all that is unknown. Socio Ne is responsible for seeking out information about current events, like what other people are up to, etc. - as long as the motivation is purely based on how interesting or novel the information is. however, EIEs show a genuine passion for the object of their emotions, be it an ideology, a person, something. Mahito's playful nature doesn't fit this "more serious" life in front of some purpose (Ni Ego) only because he was able to manipulate someone - this is so damn misguiding 'cuz every time you'd see someone being typed as Fe Base is thanks to them being able to manipulate someone like Junpei, who's already psychologically weak... even an LII would be able to do it c'mon lmfao i'm pretty sure that manipulating Junpei wasn't for "something greater" either, for a great purpose, like Hitler moved Germans against the whole world, but because he wanted to play with the possibilities/potential that Junpei, as a mere confused mortal, could offer (Ne). plus Junpei could even contribute as a distraction to the Jujutsu sorcerers. anyway, EIEs are naturally presented as the "masters of Greek tragedy", like their archetype Hamlet. yes, it can be fun to spend time with, but unlike Mahito, the EIE doesn't see his object of interest as things like "discovering new horizons!", or being too theoretical as Mahito is, but rather showing something to which he attaches personality, genuine desire, and willpower (Fe+Se valued). the way ILEs' emotional palette (i.e. their Fe) is described sounds like a playful one - they like to partake in unusual behaviors meant to shock others - becoming quite infamous for their trolling. literally Mahito. (watch the whole video, it is quite short) to finish the argument, he's so Fi PoLR that after killing without mercy and also without realizing the seriousness of his attitudes, he continues to be the typical childlike ILE having fun, and then using his Ne Base to realize different paths, with spicier possibilities. no way this dude is an Ethical type; in spite EIEs fame of manipulating - they do that for a more serious purpose, something that can deeply reinforce his passion for his identity, while Mahito does it for fun, as seen in the video.


Mahito (真人 ; Mahito) is one of the primary antagonists of the Jujutsu Kaisen series.

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