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Junpei Yoshino MBTI Personality Type

Junpei Yoshino MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Junpei Yoshino? Junpei Yoshino is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - sp/sx - 459 in Enneagram, RLUEI in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

Following XXXX's comment from below, I think his enneagram subtype is mistyped. Fonts are too long to post directly so uh srry abt that -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sl_7jdDOxG_TdAJWCy3VpdHKA3jV1d8y_MPNmrEAjKA/edit?usp=sharing (feel free to download/save/whatever) Also, I really think that we don't have enough information to type him 100% correctly. What I wanted to say first is that although it's not impossible, INFP's are rarely 5s. I mean, it's fine as a wing 4w5 or as 315 for example, but it's not so common, bc ennea 5 is usually more associated with ti users. I guess he's voted as a 459 bc he's in the movie analysis club, but there are a lot of possible reasons and we don't know which one is the *why* of him joining the club in the first place (some schools force you to join a club, or maybe it was family/peer pressure). Even if we discard this, (bc he seems to enjoy it genuinely) it could just be due to being a Xw5. Imo he's 4 > 3/2, 9 > 8/1 and 6 > 7/5, and 4 > 6 > 9. No matter the order, tritype 694 tends to be very analytical (again, check fonts) which can also be easily conffused with a 5 fix. And again, not enough info to type, but I still think that Junpei is 469 > 459. I don't think he's a so blind at all. Heck, he is probably a so dom. Ig it can be hard to spot the sx fix (or however s-/sx it's called) if they don't have a crush at the moment, but the way he lashes out in chapter 12? to get revenge? "misery loves company"? unhealhy 4 (so/)sx behaviour. We briefly get to see his room at it's quite plain and simple. He doesn't seem to be especially fond of collecting projects, and in an unhealthy range he's more likely to isolate himself or lash out at others than commiting substance abuse (even when he had multiple chances given that his mom was a smoker). Besides from being more similar to 4so and 4sx than to 4sp (which is already a hint that he is sp blind), check the font. In conclusion I believe that Junpei is an INFP 4w5 so/sx 469. I am obviously open to hearing arguments and change my mind. I'd really appreciate if someone could explain me why or how they see him as a 4sp. I am half asleep I hope this ramble made sense. Anyways i'll come back after reading the manga to see if there's anything to add or more examples.


Junpei Yoshino (吉野 順平 ; Yoshino Junpei) is a supporting character in the Vs. Mahito Arc of the Jujutsu Kaisen series.

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