Aoi Todo MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Aoi Todo? Aoi Todo is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 872 in Enneagram, SLOEI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Bro, i can't believe he was voted a type that but him in Ti blind spot all this time when he is literally one of the most analytical characters in this show. Swear he had a friend who salvaged his boredom when he was young, if he's bored he could simply have had no motivation to do anything in present tense, and like his Se dom is stronger than that of being a Ne dom, hence ESTP. His hating of boring things and boring people and Se doms get restless easily if they can't immerse in something practical and adventurous. Also I think the ESFJ vote came from the fact that he was able to befriend Yuuji so fast so this must be Fe dom energy. As if Se doms couldn't do the same? Todo has to be a Ti aux type, like there isn't any other way to explain his in depth thinking to analyse movements and stuff. But like, I don't mind talking to any ESFJ voter and having them explain why todo is Ti inf.... pls help me understand


Aoi is an extremely eccentric individual who at first appears to be nothing more than a battle-crazed meathead to all his peers. He enjoys posing, showing off his muscles, and the thrill of battle. #TodoSupremacy

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