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Brandish μ MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Brandish μ? Brandish μ is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - sp/sx - 459 in Enneagram, RLUEI in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

There are many INFPs out there who are mistaken as INTPs just because they seem emotionally-detached. Brandish here is one. She seems like the exact opposite of Juvia on the surface but you actually get to see her vulnerable and soft side once you see how she communicates with the people she cares about and things she likes (like the enormous, fluffy Happy). She's an INFP 4w5, nonetheless, who's strong in her convictions despite her seemingly innate nonchalance. An extremely powerful and individualistic yet super only-when-I-feel-like-it person. No rule ⁠— even by the strongest wizard who can kill her in a blink of an eye ⁠— can dictate her what to do unless it's in line with her values or has to do with something she cares for. And even with that, she's not so involved and goes on to do what she feels more important for her to do mid-battle. Her daily decision-making is often based on how she feels at the moment. Her life decisions were dictated by emotions ⁠— the pain of her mother's death and hatred towards Layla ever since ⁠— up to the point where Aquarius showed the truth to both her and Lucy (Fi-Si). No one could see through her decisions during her captivity, such as decidedly going back to the cell each time she's taken out for their (FT's) purpose. She's powerful enough to break out and kill all of them in a second and she even told Lucy that bringing her to the guild was a wrong move. Yet she wanted to stay there alone in the cell perhaps to contemplate, feel, and assimilate the fact opposite to what she believed in all her life that drove her to that point. She then changed her plan of action and decided to go back home because the war doesn't benefit her in any way. Partly, so as to not contribute to the fall of Lucy and others. It's Fi-Ne-Si-Te all the way. There are a lot of Brandish's traits and decisions only INFPs can relate to and, even, understand. She's a complex and unpredictable person, and I like her.


A young woman whose magic, Command T, allows her to alter the size, shape, and mass of any person or object. However, she couldn't care less about her duties and prefers to avoid meaningless conflicts whenever she can. For fifteen years, Brandish has sought to avenge the death of her mother, Grammi, who was apparently killed by Layla Heartfilia. After learning the truth, however, she forms an unlikely friendship with Layla's daughter, Lucy, that challenges Brandish's loyalty to her country.

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