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Sai Yamanaka MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Sai Yamanaka? Sai Yamanaka is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 594 in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.

INTP for sure , but i'm not sure if he is 5W6 or 5W4 , i think he is more 4 than 6 . 5w4 ppl are most lost at their own personnality, they are affected by that and struggle for being honest with than, they are less in the conspirale reflection about universe but more about human actions ( try to understand they, how they think or how act correctly with them) , Sai is exactly like that, i know i can be wrong or mistype him because 5w6 and 5w4 are so closed. He can also try news things more easily than an 6 , he is not afraid of dangerous and even if he don't make a rebellion in the AMBU, it is espically because he don't have an identity, an escape and the opportiny to do it before met naruto ( he was supposed to kill sasuke but he didn't, he could be killed for that but, he prefered to help his friends, it's a part of rebellion than an 6 , just in this situation stay in they owns confort and don't try a think have possibility to ruin him)


Sai Yamanaka (Japanese: 山中サイ) is the Anbu Chief of Konohagakure's Yamanaka clan. Prior to this, he was a Root member. As per standard Root training, Sai was conditioned to remove all emotions and as such, had difficulty connecting with others. When he is added to Team Kakashi as a replacement for the rogue Sasuke Uchiha, Sai begins to learn more about people's feelings and tries to develop his personality and identity by forming genuine bonds and rediscovering the emotions he was taught to suppress. #SatoshiHino

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