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Madara Uchiha MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Madara Uchiha? Madara Uchiha is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - sx/so - 835 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

The man, the myth, the legend, BAMF Madara is an ENTJ. His mutual understanding with Big Wood Sama 😏 (ENFJ) was Ni based - vision of ending the warring era by forming an alliance between their clans - but their eventual divergence was due to disagreeing on how to go about achieving their next goal of greater world peace (Te vs Fe). Hashirama's plan was about harmony & was equality focused; We'll catch all the tailed beasts then redistribute them to all of our enemies in hopes that "everyone is equal now so we won't fight". BTW this is the most Fe Dom, Inf Ti thing I've ever heard lmao. Maybe he was going for Mutually Assured Destruction (or was a commie lol) but as seen irl, M.A.D doesn't stop nations from fighting. It actually just makes the heavy hitters MORE effective at bullying those without a W.M.D & in turn making it so that they can only be dealt with by other powerhouses or by less powerful nations when they have the assistance of a powerhouse *motions to Eastern Europe & also East Asia* but I digress. Madara's plan was about efficiency & was practical; We'll bully the other villages into submission (& in turn peace) via our overwhelming might. Either they fall in line or we wipe them from the face of the earth, either way the fighting in that region will quickly come to an end. It's a TeNi "ends justify the means" kind of approach, with the straight forward brashness of Tert Se but he ironically ended up being right, as the ninja world only knew "peace" after they had a shared enemy to fight against (Akatsuki), during which it was made clear Naruto (& Sasuke) could solo the verse, so resistance was futile so might as well play nice. Madara later bought into the idea of "if you all can't figure out peace on your own, I will just impose a system on you all that will force you into the best outcome" again very blatantly TeNi. Edit: Not doing enneagram, since the arguments for 1w2 are really good please read them.

