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Laxus Dreyar MBTI Personality Type

Laxus Dreyar MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Laxus Dreyar? Laxus Dreyar is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 863 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

why every angry and strong character people tend to perceive it as ESTP ?


Laxus is the heir to the position of guild master, being the grandson of Makarov Dreyar and the son of the exiled wizard Ivan Dreyar. Growing up as a powerful and merciless young man who views Fairy Tail by strength alone, he has a rocky history with the guild that eventually leads to his decision to mutiny against his grandfather called the Battle of Fairy Tail. When his guildmates foil his plans, however, he is forced to confront his long-buried compassion for his family and friends. Following his temporary expulsion and a period of soul-searching, Laxus atones for his misdeeds and is eventually welcomed back into the guild. On top of being an expert lightning wizard who can create and manipulate electricity, Laxus had a Dragon Slayer lacrima artificially implanted in his body by his father, Ivan, making him a second-generation Lightning Dragon Slayer. While he is technically a "fake" Dragon Slayer as he was not taught by a dragon, his magic is no less effective or dangerous.
